
Irregular menstruation, ovulation?

Number of visits: Date:2017/5/31 16:35:41

Menstruation is an important sign of the secretion of hormones in women's body - - endocrine control, which reflects the health of women.

Generally speaking, irregular menstruation does not affect ovulation! But it can have some effect on pregnancy! As long as women have menstruation, ovulation is possible, menstruation law, ovulation will be relatively regular, but also more conducive to pregnancy! But irregular menstruation, ovulation time is not fixed, although it can not be said to be the direct cause of infertility, but it will inevitably affect the normal pregnancy of women.

Because menstruation is affecting the formation of estrogen secretion, irregular menstruation, ovarian insufficiency, follicular maturation affected the quality of oocyte discharge may be affected, after ovulation follicle may not be as usual into the corpus luteum, even luteal formation, its function is limited, may affect the normal pregnancy.

How is irregular menstruation caused?

Irregular menstruation may be a manifestation of organic lesions in the body or genitals, or it may be due to an abnormal endocrine mechanism. Irregular menstruation, if not improved, will affect the endocrine hormone regulation, affect and impair ovarian function, so that ovulation can not be normal, leading to pregnancy difficult women. What causes ovulation disorders?
The cause of ovulation disorders usually comes down to three aspects: dysfunction of the hypothalamus pituitary axis, abnormal feedback mechanism and local factors of the ovary. Hypothalamus and pituitary is a key link in the female reproductive endocrine axis, which is controlled by the central nervous system, the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropin regulation of ovarian and other organs function, but also by the feedback regulation of hormone secreted by the ovaries and other endocrine glands. If the hypothalamus or pituitary produces a natural lesion or dysfunction, it can affect the normal ovulation function of the ovary.